Bar H Office: 0499 954 125

Que Hornery: 0428 789 009

Address: 21798 Capricorn Highway, Comet, QLD 4702

A black and white drawing of a map of australia.

The Early Days

EST. 1991

Like so many Rural Australian families, Percy and Sandra were given a wonderful opportunity when they drew a Ballot block in the 1971 Central Queensland Brigalow scheme.

It was a modest beginning, residing in a tin shed without power.

 The dream of starting a family was their focus and drive from this opportunity. Beginning with a livestock trading model, Percy & Sandra then moved to Bos Indicus cows. Percy began using Angus and Murray Grey bulls after recognising the need to enhance the eating quality of his herd. Whilst these breeds did not handle the climate or environment, they created the perfect base herd to introduce Wagyu.

In 1991, Percy and Wally Rea discovered Wagyu. Sceptical about Wagyu’s ability to handle the climate but with nothing to lose, they chose to take the gamble. They were extremely surprised by the way Wagyu’s adapted and also the many great traits the breed brought to the bottom line. With minimal genetic options in Australia, AI was the only way forward to source the best. 

Until 1996, most days (including Christmas Day) were spent AI’ing. This dedication allowed the Hornery’s to begin breeding a stable Wagyu herd, a short five years after initially finding the breed. 

The result was an elite breeding status and the foundation of Bar H Wagyu females.

BAR H : Timeline

1971 - 1981
Percy & Sandra Hornery draw the block now known as “DERRANDLOC”, Middlemount. The name was formed from Derran, Randall and Lachlan – Percy & Sandra’s three boys at the time. Percy, Sandra and the four boys (Que now added to the mix) began breeding a Brahman Commercial Herd. 

1981 – 1991

1980 - Sold “Derandloc” 

1981 - Purchased Stockyard, Clarke Creek 

1985 - Sold Stockyard, Clarke Creek 

Early 1986 - Purchased Jimandy, Clarke Creek 

1989 - Purchased Horse Creek, Moranbah

1990 - Sold Jimarndy, Clarke Creek

1991 – 2000

The Bar H brand was founded

1993-1996 – Began marketing ‘Bar H Beef’ paddock to plate

1994 – Began DNA testing through hair samples, blood and semen

1996 - 22 Full blood Cows were purchased from David Blackmore and Bar H became a Full Wagyu based herd 

1998 – Produced first Bar H Fullblood Wagyu Bull

2000 - Leased “Terang” a property of 61,000 acres


2001 – 2011
2004 – "Horse Creek” was sold

2006 – "River Lea" was purchased 

2007 – Lease on “Terang” was finalised

Supplied  feeders to AACo. via the  Aranoui Feedlot, Oakey

2011 – 2021

2012 - A partnership formed with Global Reproduction Solutions allowing Bar H to expand through another intensive ET program

2012 - Supplied feeders to Rangers Valley, Deepwater

2013 – Built ‘Main Yards’ at River Lea, including under cover area, sprinkler system and power to allow for advanced technology

2013 – Began trialling Tissue Sampling Units for DNA testing 

2014 -

2015 – New Bar H Office Complex, Stables and Selling Ring completed

2016 - Bar H’s first annual Bull Sale was held with 100% clearance

from 120 Lots

  • Top Price bull, BARFK1416, sold for $22,500
  • Top Priced females were an unjoined heifer, BARFL01656 for $14,000 and BARFK1637 who was joined to GRSFK0483 for $14,000. 

2017 – Invested in telemetry as a water security technique 

2018 – Implemented the strategy to split the joining periods across two seasons, Autumn / Spring

2018 – Built ‘Centre Pivot Yards’ at River Lea with a 6 – way crush draft

2019 – Began supplying feeders to Jacks Creek via the Smithfield Feedlot, Proston

2019 – Began entering the RNA ‘Paddock to Palate' competition on an annual basis

2021 – Held inaugural ‘Female Wagyu Auction’ on farm

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